COMMUNION TO THE SICK is taken by Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist on a regular basis to those confined to their homes. Please call Sister Ruthann McGoldrick, SCC at the Parish Center.
THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM is celebrated on most Sundays at 1:30 p.m. (Not during Lent) A family must be registered in the parish, attend the baptismal preparation class, and cooperate with the regulations established by the parish. Our baptismal class is held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 8:00 p.m. Please call the Parish Center to register any time during your pregnancy.
THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION is celebrated once a year by our Bishop or his delegate. A candidate must successfully complete our Religious Education program. Adult Confirmation is held at the Cathedral and any interested adults should contact the Parish Center.
THE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK is administered at home to any Catholic who is seriously ill. Please call the Parish Center. Any parishioner admitted to a local hospital should contact the Catholic Hospital Chaplain through the hospital. A family member should contact the parish when someone is admitted to the hospital. We will gladly pray for any members who are sick, whether at home or in the hospital, at our Sunday Masses; however it is necessary for the family to "request" it.
THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY is celebrated by the Pastor or one of our deacons. Weddings may be scheduled on Friday evening, Saturday, or Sunday afternoon. only a ceremony is permitted on Sunday. The pastor will confirm the date so couples should contact the Parish Center at least ONE YEAR in advance. All the necessary information will be sent to you. The attendance at Pre-Cana or an Engaged Encounter Weekend is required. One must be a registered member of the parish. Our parish upholds the Gospel values and the Church's teachings regarding the sacredness of marriage and those couples choosing to live together in contradiction of those values, will receive a simple ceremony and all Diocesan regulations followed.
For more information regarding the marriage policy, please view the MARRIAGE GUIDLEINES book on the Links page.
THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS and RELIGIOUS LIFE: If you are considering serving God as a priest, deacon or religious, you may contact your parish priest, deacon or religious: or phone the Diocesan Office of Vocations at (732) 562-1990.